Our favorite super chicken, Warren, and his sidekick Egg, return in Extraordinary Warren Saves the Day, coming out October 14. The sequel to Sarah Dillard’s Extraordinary Warren, features a chicken crossing the road and other epic adventures. In an advanced review, Kirkus wrote, “Any philosophical questions readers ever had about chickens are addressed in this graphic novel.” Philosophy and chicken puns wrapped up in Sarah’s endearing graphic art- a recipe for an all-around charming read. Pre-order your copy here.
Readers across Canada were appalled when the country’s Education Minister, Yves Bolduc, proclaimed that school libraries are not in need of new books because they are already well-equipped. The statement led to a discussion in the media of the place of contemporary children’s literature in schools and libraries. Even the Premier of Canada, Philippe Couillard, chimed in: “Are there too many or not enough? What’s important is that there are always new books [coming into libraries], that the books are interesting for the children,” he said. Elise Gravel responded to Bolduc’s declaration by creating a free e-book, Artsy Boys and Smelly Girls, which she posted online for all to read and share. The book has been shared through Facebook nearly 7,000 times, and Elise was featured on Radio Canada and Voir Magazine, two well-known Canadian publications. Artsy Boys and Smelly Girls dismantles gender stereotypes and promotes creativity and self-expression, using technology to make these fresh and inspiring ideas accessible to all. “Whether you’re a boy or girl, you can just be yourself,” Elise writes. The free e-book shows the importance of telling new stories that are relevant to the world children live in now, and sustaining the tradition of creativity. […]
What Ship is Not a Ship? and Please Louise have been selected to be exhibited in the Original Art Show. This will be Josee’s second exhibition and Shadra’s first. Congratulations Josee and Shadra!
Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door, the second book in the Next Door Series written by Denette Fretz and illustrated by Gene Barretta, comes out today. The first book in the series is Pirates on the Farm. Watch the book trailer below!
Linda Bleck’s interactive board book, What’s in my Truck? was released by Scholastic yesterday. The book features plenty of fun flaps for kids to lift and see the interiors of a variety of vehicles. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore or order one online.
The beautiful artwork from Vanessa Brantley Newton’s We Shall Overcome and Molly Idle’s Flora and the Flamingo and Camp Rex, will be exhibited in the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show 2014. Molly was last exhibited in the Original Art Show in 2013, and this is Vanessa’s first exhibition.