Elise Gravel has been awarded the Science in Society 2014 Children’s Book Award for her book, The Fly. The awards are granted by Canada’s National Association of Science Writers. The Disgusting Critters series teaches kids about some of the world’s nastiest creatures, serving up lots of gross scientific facts along with a big helping of humor. Congrats Elise!
I Got the Rhythm, illustrated by Frank Morrison and written by Connie Schofield-Morrison, has been included on the 2015 list “Books All Young Georgians Should Read” by the Georgia Center for the Book. The list includes works by authors and illustrators living in Georgia. Books were nominated throughout the year by the writers, educators, and librarians who comprise the Georgia Center for the Book Advisory Council. “For the Georgia Center for the Book, the ‘Books All Georgians Should Read’ and the ‘Books All Young Georgians Should Read’ lists are a wonderful way to honor the extraordinary talent we have right here in Georgia. They give us the opportunity to inform readers across our state about the diverse body of work being produced that celebrates Georgia’s literary heritage so well,” said Joe Davich, Executive Director of the Georgia Center for the Book Advisory Council, in a press release. Congrats to Frank and Connie, residents of Atlanta, GA, on this special honor! There will be a public awards ceremony held on Thursday, August 13 at the Decatur Library in Decatur, Georgia. More details can be found on the Georgia Center for the Book website.
Shadra Strickland has two pieces of artwork published in Rhythm and Resistance: Teaching Poetry Through Social Justice. The book, published by Rethinking Schools, offers inspiration and practical advice for educators on how to teach poetry as an implement to build communities and fight injustice. The book can be purchased online or through mail order.
Over on a Mountain has received an honorable mention from the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards in the Picture Books Five & Younger category. The Purple Dragonfly is the latest recognition for author-illustrator duo, Marianne Berkes and Jill Dubin, who won an Indie Book Award and a Mom’s Choice Gold Award for Over on a Mountain earlier this year. A full list of Purple Dragonfly award winners can be found here. Congrats Jill and Marianne!
Ahead of the release of Welcome Home, Bear, Il Sung Na will be attending ALA 2015 in San Francisco. He will do a book signing on June 28th from 1 to 2 pm at Random House Children’s Books, Booth #3001. Welcome Home, Bear by Il Sung Na is due to be released July 07, 2015.
Lucie Crovatto was selected for a 2015 Applied Arts Award in Illustration, for her “Simple Pleasures” gift package that showcases Crovatto’s style. The Applied Arts Magazine selects submissions in several categories including Illustration and Design, and it is “one of the industry’s most prestigious recognitions of creative excellence.” View Lucie Crovatto’s submission and the other winners here.