A Diverse group of award-winning illustrators & authors creating across many industries.

School Library Journal praises My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay illus. by Vanessa Brantley-Newton

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zulaySchool Library Journal praised My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay with a very positive review that noted the book as “a great way to continue building diverse library collections for all readers.”

The book is written by Cari Best and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton. About the illustration, SLJ said: “Bright, colorful illustrations on a clean white backdrop are crisp and clear and mesh seamlessly with the text.”

Kirkus reviews One Plastic Bag illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon

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one plastic bagKirkus expressed praise for One Plastic Bag, written by Miranda Paul and illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon.

This inspiring book tells the story of a Gambian woman who comes up with an ingenious way to repurpose plastic bags to deal with their difficulty of disposal. Kirkus called the book “a welcome addition to the small shelf of examples of ingenuity in developing nations” and commented that Elizabeth Zunon’s collage illustrations “fittingly … make use of colorful papers and plastic bags. These reveal the labor involved and show the women’s joy in the results of their work.”


Ballerina Dreams: From Orphan to Dancer by Frank Morrison available now

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ballerina dreamsBallerina Dreams: From Orphan to Dancer, written by Elaine and Michaela DePrince and illustrated by Frank Morrison, is available to buy. The book is based on the true story of Michaela DePrince, one of the top ballerinas in the United States.

Michaela’s story starts with a three-year-old orphan living in Sierra Leone who discovers a picture of a ballerina. That single image inspired a dream that saw Michaela take up ballet after being adopted and moving to America. Even now, as a principal dancer in New York City who has been featured in documentaries, television shows, and, of course, countless dance performances, Michaela still remembers that photograph.

Ballerina Dreams: From Orphan to Dancer is an inspirational story written for readers who are new to reading independently and are improving their reading confidence. Containing both photographs and beautiful illustrations by Frank Morrison, this book is an uplifting read that will inspire readers to reach for their own dreams.

Find it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Eureka Gold award for Steve Adams’ If: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers

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CAEurikaLogo_BWaltfinalIf: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers, written by David J. Smith and illustrated by Steve Adams, has received a Eureka! Gold award.

The Eureka! Nonfiction Children’s Book Award was established by the California Reading Association as a way to highlight excellent nonfiction children’s books for teachers, librarians, and parents to assist them with choosing books for their students and children.

In the Honor Awards section, Little Melba and Her Big Trombone Katheryn Russell-Brown and illustrated by Painted Words illustrator Frank Morrison gained recognition.

Check out If: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers on Barnes & Noble or Amazon.

Congratulations Steve (and Frank!)

Vanessa Brantley-Newton’s We Shall Overcome wins Jane Addams Honor

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janeWe Shall Overcome, written by Debbie Levy and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton, has been named a Jane Addams Honor Book in the Books for Younger Children category.

The Jane Addams awards are designed to honor excellent children’s books that promote peace, social justice, racial equality, world community, and equality between the sexes.

This year was the 61st year of the awards, and the award ceremony was held October 17 in New York.

Named for the song of the same title, We Shall Overcome explores the civil rights anthem and emphasizes the power of community.

Buy We Shall Overcome at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Congratulations, Vanessa and Debbie!

Waking Brain Cells blog applauds Little Melba and Her Big Trombone

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The Waking Brain Cells blog wrote a fantastic review of Little Melba and Her Big Trombone, illustrated by Frank Morrison.

On Morrison’s artwork, the review stated: “Morrison’s art beautifully captures the life of Liston on the page.  His paintings are done in rich colors, filled with angles of elbows, horns and music, they leap on the page.  They evoke the time period and the sense of music and jazz.”

Extraordinary Warren Saves the Day by Sarah Dillard is available now

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The delightful follow up to Sarah Dillard’s Extraordinary Warren is now available from Aladdin books at Simon & Schuster. Extraordinary Warren Saves the Day reunites readers with the eponymous chicken and his new sidekick, Egg, as they embark on another quirky adventure that combines imaginative storytelling with eye-catching art.

Marilyn Sadler’s Alice from Dallas wins NAPPA gold award

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Alice fMSAlicefromDallasrom Dallas by Marilyn Sadler has won a gold award from the National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA). The gold award is the highest accolade available from this prestigious organization.

NAPPA said: “Why we like it: Alice is one spunky cowgirl and there’s always a need for spunky girl stories! While she remains true to her true spunky self, she learns a lesson along the story’s trail.”

Congratulations, Marilyn!


Shadra Strickland talks diversity at Baltimore Book Fest

Shadra Strickland spoke in two panel discussions about diversity this weekend at the Baltimore Book Festival and at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) author pavilion. Both panels focused on diversity in children’s books, and featured a wealth of authors and illustrators taking part in the conversation.

Two New Picture Books from Vanessa Brantley Newton!

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Untitled-2 61BeLKO7EtL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_This summer saw the release of two new books from illustrator Vanessa Brantley Newton: Thanksgiving for Emily Ann (Cartwheel Press) and I Can Do It! (Little Golden Books).  Vanessa’s warm, vintage-inspired illustrations will bring a smile to your face as you enjoy these heartwarming stories.